let's work togheter
Become our retailer
We are constantly on the lookout for new retailers who can give voice and value to our creations. If you have a business and are looking for high-quality handcrafted products with attention to detail, even in the packaging, we are sure you will appreciate our work.

From typical Abruzzo liqueurs
to the great classics
all made by infusion
for a minimum of 40 days
produced in an artisanal method

Macaroons and dry biscuits, from handmade amaretti to typical Abruzzo ferratelle, plus many others. We use packaging made of recycled plastic, and reusable in turn.

Handcrafted panettone and Easter colomba, made by hand without any preservatives or emulsifiers. Double leavening of the dough and handmade packaging.
Fast and free shipping throughout Italy, even internationally. We rely on the best express couriers on the market.
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Request a catalogue and price list for dealers and discover the numerous offers!
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If you would like more information about our products, please contact us! Fill out the contact form below or write to info@artemisialaquila.it
we will get back to you within 24 hours